2025 Swim School Enrolment NOW OPEN !!
Our ‘Enrolment Window’ is now open to all our group lessons at Goodwood from today and closes on Friday 6th December. To secure your children’s spaces before this deadline, please complete the form below and kindly make payment. Thank you once again for your continued support and we really do hope you are enjoying our swimming lessons at Goodwood.
Group Lessons
The New Term will start on the week commencing Monday 6th January 2025 and end on the week commencing Monday 31st March 2025. There will be no lessons during the February school Holidays which will be from 17th February for 1 week.
Payment Instructions. Please complete and submit the form below then make payment using the provided account details quoting your child’s name and swim day as the reference.
12 weeks = £162.00 (£13.50 per lesson)
Account = 74218328
Sort Code = 60-03-08
If you wish to pay by card over the phone please specify in the form below and contact the office on 07590 396031. Tanya will be able to help process your payment.