Competitive Swimmer Stage 9
By the end of Stage 9 (Competitive Swimming) of the ASA Learn to Swim Framework your pupils should have reached 8 outcomes relating to starts:
1. Complete a set lasting 800m (either 16 x 50m; 8 x 100m; 4 x 200m) on a specific turn around time set by the coach e.g. 1.30min for 50m; 2.45min for 100m; 6.00min for 200m
2. Swim 800m continuously using one stroke
3. Swim a continuous 100m Individual Medley using legal turns
4. Perform a 15m underwater kick on front in a streamlined position
5. Perform a backstroke start then butterfly kick in a streamlined position underwater until 10m from the start point (wall), transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25m
6. Perform a front crawl start, underwater kick in a streamlined position until a minimum of 10m from the start point (wall) is completed, transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25m
7. Perform a butterfly start, kick in a streamlined position until a minimum of 10m from the start point (wall) is completed, transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25m
8. Perform a breaststroke start, perform a 1½ pull under water, transfer into stroke and complete the remainder of the 25m
Awards that complement Stage 9 (competitive swimming) include the ASA Rainbow Distance Award for 800m, the ASA Swimming Stroke Awards and the ASA Swimming Challenge Award – Gold Challenge.